What are you REALLY afraid of?

Venturing out to find your place, to realize your God-given dreams, to move out of your comfort zones, to leave family, or just to embark on a new journey is a fearful ordeal for many of you. Some are afraid to pursue the thing that would grant them both personal fulfillment, and spiritual fulfillment.  Can... Continue Reading →


There are a lot of caring people, who care about family and friends. But, there comes a time in our lives when we come across those who are big on kindness. God sends them just in time when we need them. These people are rare and special. They whisper golden words of comfort in our... Continue Reading →


A sip of your favorite tea, a quick nap, a spoon of your favorite dessert, an early morning walk, a hug and kiss, a lunch date, a word of gratitude, a refreshing drink, alone time in the house, a night stargazing, a bubble bath; there are so many things that qualify as simple pleasures. With... Continue Reading →

Who Will Stand In The Gap?

The gap is not the best or safest place in which to stand; no wonder, it is often hard to find someone who will. The gap is not a comfortable place or position in which to stand; no wonder, so many people find the gap unsuitable. The gap is a lonely place in which to... Continue Reading →


Salvation is the greatest fortune given to us. It represents the most touching act of God’s love and solicitude for wretched humanity. Without pointing fingers at anyone, more than half the world has rejected this fortune. Some will nod their heads in quick rebuttal to say, “I accept it,” but their lives may just be... Continue Reading →


Surrender is not a favorite topic. No one likes to give in to someone or something else. But, in the 30 day journey under the title, You Have to Move from Where You Are, we found inspiring evidences that surrender brings liberation. We often think of surrender in terms of war, when the enemy takes... Continue Reading →

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